Sunday, December 2, 2012

On Capeweed

When in bloom in the Springtime they are lovely to behold
When they turn the paddocks yellow in their petals of bright gold
From their ancestral home in South Africa introduced decades ago
Capeweed as noxious weeds are designated they have become the Aussie farmers foe
In the paddocks that they infest grass or other crops cannot grow
Their seeds spread in the winds of Summer and they naturally self sow
For grazing animals not a food source known to be a toxic weed
Though poisoned and sprayed with roundup for to thrive they do succeed
By the freshening winds of Summer in tiny seeds self sown
As a noxious weed in Australia they have become well known
In full bloom pretty to look at but looks often can deceive
Some beauty to it has a darker side as we have come to believe
In Spring seen blooming in their billions in town parks, gardens and paddocks in the countryside
That they are successful colonizers of them cannot be denied.

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