Saturday, July 13, 2013

Old Age Is A thing That Is Natural

Time on you it is now telling you feel wobbly at the knees
And you have heart palpitations every time that you do sneeze
You are clearly not the person that years ago you used to be
What is happening to you now has also been happening to me

You used to be imbued with the ambition of one who was born to lead
But now without prescribed reading glasses the big print in the newspaper you cannot read
On sunless and windy days you stay indoors your thinning bones feeling the cold
And even though to yourself you will not admit it your aging body feeling old

In hair dye you cloak the greyness that age brings you in your battle with natural decay
And you use makeup and anti aging creams to smooth your age wrinkles away
Though your body try to tell you it is aging to youthfulness you try to cling
False bodily appearance to you quite important this vanity is a strange thing

Your aging vocal chords have you talking croaky you even show your age when you do speak
And every half an hour you must go to the toilet your bladder it is rather weak
You do have your pride to live up to but pride does come before a fall
Yet old age is a thing that is natural and eventually comes to us all.

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