Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It Is By The Gift Of Chance

It is by the gift of chance that life came to us  before learning to walk the baby must learn to crawl
And on unsteady feet life's first steps must be taken and the baby rise and  walk again after a fall
The ups and downs of life start as a toddler and in life there are many an up and a down
And  there are many who do know of life's fluctuations in every village and city and town
It was George Bernard Shaw who wrote 'Life was not meant to easy' though his words of wisdom to everyone does not apply
Some people by their circumstance of birth very lucky that to be born of wealthy parents a huge advantage none ought to deny
In my birth parents i was one who was quite lucky since my parents though not very wealthy neither were poor
And as a young fellow i grew to love Nature In the old  fields of Claraghatlea  and  Annagloor
We are told by egalitarians that all people are equal though i am one who does  not see it this  way
By fair minded people such words may be spoken but words  as we know are quite easy to say
For the children born to poor parents life becomes a battle many of them find life a struggle until their last day
Due to birth circumstance not destined to be successful they never grow wealthy only poorer and prematurely gray
The baby before walking struggles to stand upwards and so on the foor has to learn how  to crawl
And on unsteady feet life's first steps are taken he or she rise to walk again after a fall.

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