Monday, June 21, 2010

Youth Must Have It's Fling

The young lambs in the fields sport with the joys of Spring
When wildflowers are in bloom and wild birds chirp and sing
And brown lark lost from view is carolling on the wing
'Tis true so true indeed that youth does have it's fling
In the nearby park playground the children laugh at play
Enjoying their school free time in the sunshine of the day
Like the young lambs of the field so full of youth's elan
But the clock ticks on and on in time youth just a brief span
Perhaps the young lambs of the fields in a slaughter yard will die
Born as a source of food for such as you and I
And as for the children of the playground the young girl and the young boy
Time will have them walking slow their youth they must enjoy
Yes youth must have it's fling as some do like to say
Since time takes toll of all and it ticks and ticks away.

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