Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Want To Live On

I may look old and my best days are gone
But that doesn't matter i want to live on
Yes i want to live on to a very old man
Death is forever and life is a short span

Of time since time is forever and will never end
And the longest human life of time a short span why otherwise pretend
Those who believe on a life hereafter to hope only cling
Of salvation the thought of death fear with it to them does seem to bring

They pay homage to their chosen God in their house of worship in prayer
So post death their souls will be allowed to enter his Kingdom in the great World up there
Though to them i see such things to say the least differently
Each to their own way of thinking would you not agree

I know in the future that one day or night i will and must die
Since fact tell us that death is for all life forms and fact does not lie
So i'll leave it to the Reaper to on my life have the last say
Though i hope in time that will be a few decades away.

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