Saturday, October 22, 2011

It Is Always The Winners

It is always the winners who write the war history
The winning war leaders are never tried for crimes against humanity
It is always the losing leaders end up in jail and are killed by firing squad or hung
The praises of losing leaders of a war are never ever sung
Though war winning leaders far worse criminals since by them more people put to death
As old free and celebrated they will draw their life's final breath
'Tis their armies who won the war and winners are never wrong
And only to the winners the glory does belong
Though you may see it as different and with what i say disagree
'Tis the winners write the history and that's how 'twill always be
And the losers are forsaken even by their own
And history does repeat itself as history has shown
And the war winners write the war history since glory is their gain
That is how it is and it will be and always will remain

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