Saturday, November 30, 2013

On Pale Eyed Crows

On fence posts on paddocks or by the roadway
The pale eyed ravens i see every day
By the name of little raven they are widely known
In south eastern Australia these plentiful corvids do have ways of their own
Like all other corvids quite clever birds indeed
To survive in climate change birds likely to succeed
In shallows of the town park lake to soften i have seen them dipping to eat stale hardened bread
At survival methods of most other birds they do seem far ahead
Whilst many species of birds are threatened crows do seem to thrive
In the harshest of environments they are known to survive
From where people are they are never far away
The pale eyed corvids i see them every day
Also known as the pale eyed ravens or the pale eyed crow
In south east Australia their numbers grow and grow.

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