Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Greg McMahon The Man

In the World for good souls up there perhaps for him no space
Greg McMahon the man who stared death in the face
The Reaper of lives had come reaping his way
But decided to leave him for another day

Coughing up blood he suddenly felt quite ill
All over his body he felt death's cold chill
But the Reaper a decision on Greg did make
And decided the life of the Moyne Shire's top mechanic not to take

It was not meant to be Greg McMahon's last day
After a week in hospital he is feeling okay
His life the Reaper had decided to spare
As he was one who was needed for more cars to repair

The book on his life was closing a white line he could see
Greg thought he would die but for him thankfully it was not meant to be
The Lady of luck on his life she did smile
Life's reaper will not come reaping his way again for some while

Greg McMahon the man who looked death in the eye
But the Reaper of lives by him went reaping by
Deciding not to rob him of his life's living breath
And leave him to tell of his close shave with death.

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