Thursday, November 3, 2011

Seven Billion People

Seven billion people for Mother Earth to feed
Even for her that does seem a huge task indeed
Yet to the one who supports us and food for us grow
The respect she does warrant from us to her we do not show
The material things we posses from her we do attain
We choose to abuse her for our financial gain
We dig her ground for her riches and claim them for our own
By our greed the demise of our species we well may have sown
Despite our achievements we are born as mortals why otherwise pretend
But to Mother Earth who does feed us we are not a friend
We do take and take from her and in return to her little give
Though she supplies us with our needs for as long as we live
Seven billion people in the world for her for to feed
Even of her we do seem to ask a lot indeed.

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