Saturday, April 5, 2014

Evergreen Johnny

Some men and some women are married for life
But Evergreen Johnny is with his sixth wife
Well into his seventies his gray hair dyed brown
He fancies himself as a man about town

Of women he has been with and been married to he has many stories to tell
Nineteen times a great grand dad he has sown his seeds well
He will tell you that some men do age like good wine
His sixth wife heavily pregnant by him has just turned twenty nine

Though not financially well off some young women attracted to him in a strong way
And with any of his previous five wives his was not a long stay
In each of his wedding vows till death do us part to each new wife he did say
Eventually on that he will be right one day

He does have lots to talk of when he talks of the past
And one wonders will his sixth wife be his last?
Far fitter than most approaching their years of four score
He jogs every day in the park for an hour sometimes more

To be married six times is his great claim to fame
He surely is one who lives up to his nickname
Hand in hand with his visibly pregnant young sixth wife out walking he is often seen
Old Johnny remains as a true evergreen.

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