Friday, April 18, 2014

Learning Of Mother Nature's Ways

Learning of Mother Nature's ways is something i do enjoy
I can claim to have loved her since i was a boy
In fancy in those old green fields in view of Clara Hill
I can hear the babble of the silver tongued rill

That in a voice never silent by grove and hedgerow
On to the bigger river it ever does flow
And i hear the scratchy song of one i do know
The dark brown water bird dipper of breast white as snow

Above Matty Owens bog in the Spring of the year
The flute of the curlew melodious and clear
His brown mottled partner sits on her blotched eggs in her nest on the ground
Amongst rushes where bog cotton bloom all around

Out of wintering sheds on months of silage and hay
On nutritious young grass the cattle gain weight by the day
And bluebells and primroses bloom on the ditch of the bohreen
And Nature's flowers in their billions in the old fields to be seen

My thoughts often go to a far away Spring
When on bushes and trees nesting birds chirp and sing
Only for to realize time has become my foe
And in Seasons this now seems a long time ago

Here in the great Land of emu, wombat, koala and roo
To live in the now is the best i can do
And marvel at the beauty i feel privileged to see
Created by Nature everywhere around me.

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