Wednesday, March 2, 2011

You May Say Without A Friend

You may say without a friend in life you'll get by
But on saying that a simple fact you do choose to deny
That without a friend the loneliest person in the World is you
I only do say what i think to be true
No male or female is self sufficent why otherwise pretend
There are times in life when we all do need a friend
You are the loneliest person in the World when life has you down
And you even do not have one friend in the town
Without a friend you do become your own foe
No one to confide in during your times of woe
Us human beings have feelings as opposed to a stone
It is not good for any person to be always alone
If you delude yourself into thinking that at least one friend you do not need
Then you are a sad person very sad indeed.

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