Monday, July 27, 2015

A Stranger In Old Koroit Town

In Koroit the people are friendly as friendly as can be
And anyone there has never been rude to me
On Commercial Road i have often walked up and down
But i will always feel a stranger in old Koroit Town

A Town of the Irish some are known to say
But Koroit from Ireland in distance far away
In Koroit they do not play Road Bowls, Hurling or Gaelic Football
The games of the Irish does not interest them at all

Though in some forms of entertainment their connection to Ireland is strong
In the Koroit pubs often sessions of Irish music and song
But little else in common with Irish people they do share
In Koroit never a Road Bowler, Gaelic Footballer or a hurling player

I like Koroit people they treat me as okay
And only nice things of them i have to say
But their links to the Irish we should not overrate
In Koroit they have their own sporting heroes to celebrate

The Irish games of Hurling or Gaelic Football or Road Bowls they do not play
And in distance from Koroit Ireland is far away
Most people on the street greet me with a smile as i walk up and down
But i will always feel a stranger in old Koroit Town.

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