Saturday, October 19, 2013

Out Of War And Blood Letting

Out of war and blood letting many heroes are made
And for living and dead war heroes many a street parade
And at the war memorial the last post by the lone bugler played
The war supposed to end all wars from history not allowed to fade

The anti war protestor seen as a traitor and a coward
But in the field of good example such people are empowered
It is not because of him or her that people in war zones die
That war does eventually lead to peace is surely based on a lie

Those who do choose to fight in war death may become their due
And that few humans ever learn from war history happens to be true
You go to war to kill or be killed and in war zones people are badly injured and some die
Yes war eventually leads to peace is surely based on a lie

Patriotism, nationalism and religion these three often lead to war
And to fight to them the enemy soldiers from their home shore often travel far
The war supposed to end all wars ended nearly a century ago
And that in life we choose our friends and make our enemies does happen to be so.

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