Friday, October 25, 2013

Rhyme Is Not Dead

Some say that the days of the rhymers are gone
But the rhymers as ever rhyming and rhyme will live on
Despite what the twenty first century literary dons of them do say
The rhymers are living and penning rhymes today
The  best decades of rhyme may be in the long gone
But the rhymers are rhyming and rhyme does live on
Those who try to kill off rhyme seem to have it all wrong
For the death of rhyme  would mean the death of song
Those who try to kill off rhyme to do so will never succeed
And thanks be to for that of more rhymers and rhyme we are in need
The so called literary experts can have their blank verse which seems glorified prose
And it is each to their own would one have  to suppose
Those who wish for a rhyme free World will never live  to see the day
For  rhyme is not dead and is with us to stay.

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