Tuesday, July 5, 2016

On N A I D O C Week

Since i am a fellow from a far away Land
Their culture and ways how could i understand
They had lived in their Country for thousands of years
Before my kind took from them their land and paid for it in tears

I live in and off of their Country is all i can say
And respect to them and their culture is all i can pay
Such a beautiful race of a proud history
And as the first Australians they always will be

Australia's first people for so long oppressed
By the invader northerners they have been dispossessed
The arrival of Cook as time goes not that long ago
To them only brought death and suffering and decades of woe

So little of their ways i can claim of to know
Though my respect for them and their culture it only does grow
Their children taken from them unlawfully and though past wrongs cannot be made right
In their tunnel of darkness there now is some light

For Australia's first people there has been an increase of respect of late
And in N A I D O C week their culture they do celebrate
Of them and their ways there is much to admire
And of singing their praises i never could tire.

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