Sunday, July 3, 2016

Why Pay Too Much Heed

You pay too much heed of what some others of you do say
Of how you are one who works for poor take home pay
Of the town successful they have counted you out
The judgments of others in us give rise to self doubt
To support your partner and two young children you work hard every week day
Nothing easy in life ever does come your way
The praises of the wealthy and famous the impressionable masses may sing
But they tend to forget that success can be a relative thing
That you do have to work hard for to make ends meet
In keeping yourself and your partner and children from being homeless on the street
That many see fame and wealth as success well may be so
But to anyone anything you do not owe
So why pay any heed to what negative people of you do say
Since you live as a successful person in your own quiet way.

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