Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Some Of The Old Blokes

Some of the old blokes who drink in the local of the good times grown lazy and fat
Like to tell their dubious stories of how they have been there and done that
And true to their type they even believe their own lies
All men do grow older but only few do grow wise
In the pub for drinks every Saturday evening they meet
And of their adventures as young men in their stories compete
Of their successes in life to each other they do relate
It is true that the crave for recognition does not have a use by date
In their stories each other they try to outdo
Trying to prove to each other i am better than you
Though self praise is no praise as the wise one does say
They do not seem for to see it in this way
On Saturday evening they meet in the pub for drinks and a tongue wag
It does not cost them any money to brag.

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