Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Former Pride Of Hawkesdale

Back in the nineteen seventies this does seem long ago
She was the Pride of Hawkesdale before time became her foe
It is said she lives in Brisbane from Hawkesdale far away
A divorced grandmother with brown hair dye she cloaks her gray

The once Pride of Hawkesdale has known of a better day
Like many aging women in anti aging creams and hair dyes she is fighting time's decay
She was one of rare beauty in her physical prime
But beauty as is often said always loses out to time

Married to a man who did abuse her and gave her an awful life
Though to him she was devoted and was a loving wife
He left her for one younger by at least a dozen years
Love that has joy and laughter can end in sorrow and tears

A woman of great beauty that many young men did admire
When she was the Pride of Hawkesdale a Town in the Moyne Shire
Where she lived when she was younger when her hair was chestnut brown
It was her yearn for travel that brought her far north of her Hometown

The former Pride of Hawkesdale time has left her looking old
When she was in her prime years she was lovely to behold
She has put on a lot of weight a beauty in decay
And one can surely say of her she has known of a better day.

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