Saturday, May 13, 2017

You Won't Win Them All

You may be the nicest person in the town
But always a few in words to put you down
People who look on niceness as a human flaw
Who in their words are insulting and raw

People who look on one who can readily smile
As one who is not genuine and not lacking in guile
They do not know how it feels to be kind
And to negativity are readily inclined

For to help people you go out of your way
And do a good deed or two every day
But not everyone will say nice things of you
Though only good in the World you wish to do

As nice a person as one could wish to know
You are one who has the bright inner glow
But some in their words negative things of you do say
The people who never have helped anyone in any way

Every day you do plant karma's good seed
By helping those of your helping in need
But even you who do answer the one who for help do call
May win many admirers but you won't win them all.

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