Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happiness Is A Thing

To understand human behaviour not easy at all
Some  people complain though their worries seem small
Their business showed a two million profit last year though they wished it were three
With the greedy it is much does want more that's how it seems to be

Why some are so hard to please one has to wonder why
They seem almost impossible for  to satisfy
With millions in money yet quite poor of mind
The  unhappy millionaire is not hard to find

You've heard of the fable of  the unhappy king
He ordered his head scout the shirt of a happy person to me bring
So that i can wear it in gold sovereigns for it do pay
His scout searched for a happy person for many a day

Till finally one happy man he did meet
Though without a shirt or shoes on his feet
The moral of this little story 'twould seem
Is that happiness cannot be bought by wealth and esteem

Money can buy a lot but it cannot buy everything
And though of the praises of it many are known to sing
Many stories of  unhappy wealthy people have been written and told
Happiness is a thing that cannot be  bought or sold.

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