Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Man On His Own

They shoal together as fish do in a river pool
And  they dismiss the one  indifferent to them as a fool
Apart in his ways from the tribe  he has grown
A true individual is the man on his own

The praises of anyone he never does sing
He lives in his own way and he does his own thing
The friendships of others he does not seem to need
One might say he is one of a very rare breed

As a boy he was a loner and time has not caused him to change
In the prime of his life the judgemental look on him as strange
But since with them he has nothing in common to share
What others say of him he does not seem to care

He does not have a lover or a partner but of him it is said
That for sexual enjoyment he goes to the brothel instead
For his pleasures in life he is prepared to pay
The man on his own does things in his own way.

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