Tuesday, February 9, 2016

He Is A Fringe Dweller

He just lives in his own way and does his own thing
And the praises of anyone he never does sing
He never socializes at the local pub
And he is not a member of any community or sporting club
It is said he lacks ambition though he never harms anyone
Though one quite brave thing he is known to have done
He saved the life of wheelchair bound Mrs Kady when her home caught fire
Despite his aloofness in him things to admire
In his late twenties he does not have children or a partner or wife
He is one who lives quite a solitary life
He works hard for a living and in the brothel for sex does pay
And good or bad of anyone he never does say
He is a fringe dweller and lives in his own way
Yet if all were like him there would not be wars today.

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