Friday, February 5, 2016

Old Davy

For one in his early eighties he does look fit and well
And though stories of a life of material success he does not have to tell
He will not die wealthy a known millionaire
But men like old Davy have always been rare

A working life of travel and adventure he has always led
He worked on pipeline crews and shore in many a shearing shed
A fellow quite partial to his pot of cheer
He has laughed and made merry and drunk lots of beer

He has never had children or a partner or wife
The women they came to and went from his life
In every town he had a brief sexual fling
To love them and leave them was always his thing

With silver gray hair and a sun bronzed wrinkled face
He has worked in and traveled through many a place
Around the big country he worked his way and traveled far and wide
But he has come to realize time is now not on his side

He is living his twilight years in his home town
Where he used to live when his hair was dark brown
In his working life he traveled the big country up and down
And to live as he choose is his claim to renown.

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