Monday, August 28, 2017

To Make The World A Better World To Live In

To make the World a better World to live in should not be left to the few
This is saying what is obvious and not anything new
You can help in some way by planting Karma's good seed
By helping somebody of your helping in need
Those who believe that money is everything believe their own lie
There is more to living of life than living for me, myself and i
They are enlightened people those who give to receive
On their sort of a life philosophy i for one does believe
In the inequality in the Human World greed is partly to blame
Some people are ruthless in their desire for money and fame
At the expense of others the more arrogant often become the materially successful of the town
And become rather wealthy by dragging others down
Those who believe on live and let live and help others every day
Are helping to make a better World to live in and in life are doing okay.

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