Thursday, September 14, 2017


Their kind are seen in fields and woods and parks and gardens of the town
Yellow billed male blackbird is a glossy bird his female partner is plain and brown
Through her lifetime she is a silent one and he sings in the Spring
The blackbird's distinctive melodious song to hear is always a pleasant thing
Familiar Eurasian thrushes they have been introduced Worldwide
They like to live near hedgerows and bushy trees where from predators they do hide
Three to five green brown spotted eggs the female bird does lay
In a cup shaped nest that is bound with mud and often lined with moss, dried grass or hay
Birds quite familiar in their range that one sees every day
Near where human dwellings and houses are they often like to stay
Distinctive in appearance and in the male's beautiful song
Familiar in parks and gardens to the thrush family they belong
The melodious song of the male blackbird in the Spring of the year
At dawn and in the twilight after sundown so pleasant for to hear.

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