Sunday, September 10, 2017

Uranium It Ought To Be Left In The Ground

The thought of it is not a reason for joy
That there are enough of nuclear weapons in the World humanity to destroy
For the usage of nuclear weaponry excuses do abound
But uranium it ought to be left in the ground
The nuclear powers who claim North Korea should not have nuclear bombs by example should lead
But of they themselves getting rid of their nuclear weapons we never hear of or read
On who should or not have nuclear weapons they should not have any say
Since they themselves are among the nuclear powers of today
On the dropping of one nuclear bomb millions of people would instantly die
That nuclear weapons are a deterrent to war the facts do belie
If you believe all you read and hear bigger fool then you are
We are nearer now than we have ever been to a nuclear war
Among nuclear powers excuses for their possession of nuclear weapons abound
But uranium it ought to be left in the ground.

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