Saturday, September 2, 2017

It Is The Literary Critics

She has won big poetry prizes and in important literary circles is well respected and known
And her reputation as a poet it has grown
One who writes in blank verse but on reading her in truth i can say
That she did not bring the joy of laughter to my day
Her poems those who advise us not to or to celebrate
Many of the literary critics do proclaim her to be a great
Her poems lacking in humor and to read seemed quite dry
Why critics applaud colorless writers one has to wonder why
In those the literary critics promote it does seem true to say
That it is not surprising that poetry is not popular today
The literary critics and literary dons of the unis from the people have taken it away
The works of contemporary colorful writers are left to decay
I find it hard to understand why she is considered to be a major poet
But then it is the literary critics who decide those who are worthy of literary note.

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