Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why Many Refer To Them As The Honorable

Why many refer to them as the honorable i do wonder why
Since it is to truthful people the word honor ought to apply
And since to tell the truth most politicians do not even bother to try
The beauty in honor their kind do deny

In Parliament of their political opponents they have few kind words to say
And in the chamber of power their power games they do play
Name calling and taunting each other like bully school children they do not behave in an honorable way
As a group not the most honorable people in the World of today

But they are good at lying for to give them their due
And to the art of good liars they remain ever true
To lie to them comes natural as natural as can be
They do not seem honorable people to me

Most politicians do surely know how to deceive
And bigger fool you if their words you believe
With honest looking faces lies they do tell
They are good at lying and they do it quite well.

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