Wednesday, March 26, 2014

You Often Reflect

You often reflect on the hardships you have known
Of the worries that you have that are all of your own
Making since you have made many a bad financial choice
You even speak with a tinge of sadness in your voice

You feel sad when you think of your mistakes of the past
And the clock on your life ever keeps ticking fast
But you cannot change the past since the past it has gone
And only the fear of death makes you want to live on

But few wish to know of you when you are financially down
And a sad one indeed is the sad sack of the town
You do not have any success stories of which to tell
And you feel you are one of the never do well

For our every mistake there is some price to pay
And for winners there are losers as some like to say
And though mistakes of the past may be hard to forget
Not much point in living a life of regret

You often reflect on mistakes you have made
Our errors in judgment from our thoughts slow to fade
But what point in living a life of self blame
When life all around you goes on as the same.

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