Thursday, January 23, 2020

In The Huge Fires

In the huge fires that have ravaged large tracts of land in the Australian countryside
So many insects, amphibians, lizards and animals and birds have died
And money cannot replace what has been lost
The price of the damage at too high a cost
Whilst government politicians play their political point scoring game
At the greenies and pyromaniacs they point the finger of blame
Whilst ignoring the part that carbon emmissions in huge fires do play
For the industrial revolution is this part of the human price to pay
The government claim that due to opposition from green groups not enough of fuel for fire cleared from the ground
To save their political futures any excuse to be found
Their blaming of others for political advantage for them to nothing will amount
As the government of the day for the damage done by fires they will be held to account
In the fires that have been burning for months as well as some humans milliions of life forms have died
And homes burned to rubble and large tracts of country blackened and destroyed.

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