Wednesday, June 15, 2022

A Positive Fellow

One of the working poor and his life in a financial mess
And from the rising cost of living he is under stress
With a house rent to pay and to support a wife and young family
Though working hard for an income he knows of poverty
He has always worked hard for a living and has never been on welfare
Sad to think he is one of many his sort in the world are not rare
Some people work hard for a living without knowing of financial success
And sad to think they are the people that many does never impress
The director of the company he works for is a known multi billionaire
Many grow poorer for a few to grow wealthy this is something everyone of are aware
Though he is one of the working poor of hope for the better he is not in despair
He is one you does not hear say that life is quite unfair
He works hard to support his wife and children on what is poor take home pay
But he is a positive fellow and believes good times for him are not far away.

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