Sunday, June 26, 2022


That most men abuse their partners, wives and children is just not true
This is taking from good living men what is their due
On matters like this some people tend to generalize
People who believe all they read and hear are gullible and not wise
It is true that some men abuse their children and partners and wives
And give to those who should be near and dear to them miserable lives
But these sort of males are of the few
And this is not saying anything that is new
It is true not all women are good and not all men are bad
But that good men are the victims of generalizations is to say the least sad
For the sins of the few the many have to pay
In a fair Human World it would not be this way
In the Human World for generalization there should not be a place
But you will find it in nationality, religion, culture, gender and race.

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