Thursday, September 17, 2020

Company C E O's

Company C E O's are paid millions in money to terminate employees and save their companies billions every year, That they grow very wealthy out of making people poorer is quite obviously clear, Yet these are the people many look up to and admire, For the hardship they create in retrenched workers a better Human World for many to live in they do not inspire, It is not saying anything about them that is in any way that is new, That they only make life better for the already privileged few, Because of them many workers grow poorer which is a sad thing to say, In a Human World where the gap between the wealthy and the poor is widening by the day, The wealthy minority the gullible human masses do celebrate, But nothing to admire in those to grow wealthier poverty do create, Yes there should not be anything to look up to in people who create so much poverty, In a Human World where there is already far too much of inequality, Of big company C E O's nice things one ought not to say, In a World where the poor are growing poorer by the day.

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