Monday, May 23, 2022

Dan In His Mid Nineties

All of those he went to school to the forever gone
But Dan in his mid nineties he is living on
The best athlete in the town seven decades ago
Long before time it did become his foe

But he jogs in the park for an hour every day
Though at a slow pace time on him has it's say
The national mile champion going way back in time
When in his mid twenties in his physical prime

A great grandfather ten years ago to cancer he lost his wife
On what for him was the saddest time of his life
He believes that to a good diet and exercise he owes his longevity
He hopes to be healthy and jogging at a century

The hair on his balding head is silver gray
The town's greatest athlete in time going back many a day
He does enjoy jogging and he does not lie
When he says he will be doing it until the day he does die.

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