Thursday, May 7, 2015

Charlotte Elizabeth Diane

A baby girl born to privilege and wealth and fame
Charlotte Elizabeth Diane is her name
Born to be a princess by birth circumstance
And the gift of life it is only by chance

No different to anyone at least in one way
As she is a mortal she will die one day
All of this fuss about the birth of a baby seems over the top to me
In a World where millions of children live in dire poverty

In a World where millions of children are homeless tonight
All of this fuss about the birth of one baby does hardly seem right
On one born into privilege what is to celebrate
As long as there are impressionable people in the World rank and class distinction will never be out of date

For all of this excitement about the birth of one baby the World media must share some blame
Their lack of interest on the plight of poor people does seem quite a shame
Newspaper stories on homeless street children never do sell
Their circumstance of birth is to live till they do die a life of Earthly Hell

Congratulations and well done to the baby princess's parents William and Kate
For their eldest child George a sister a reason to celebrate
But all of this fuss about the birth of one baby to me does not seem right
When millions of poor children are homeless and hungry tonight.

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