Saturday, May 2, 2015

No Such A Thing

No such a thing as an untalented person everybody is good at doing something
Though the praises of the wealthy and famous the impressionable may like to sing
But in the World are many talented people who are not famous and widely known
They are very good at what they do and with the best at it can hold their own
Some are good at sports and entertaining and millions in money have made
And some with their hands are quite gifted and very skilled at their own trade
No such a person as one who is a good for nothing words some use for to put one down
There are many quite talented people who are not the talk of the town
I know many talented people far too many here for to name
Not even well known in their neighborhood and strangers to local fame
They live as the town's unsung heroes but what they are good at they do well
Of not well known talented people there are millions of stories to tell
No such a thing as an untalented person i only do say what is true
Though millions who are very gifted never receive the credit they are due.

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