Sunday, November 22, 2015

Father Ed

A popular man among his parishioners is the priest Father Ed
But rumor does have it that he is good in bed
No smoke without fire it does seem this way
But rumor is rumor one also can say

His parishioners do not believe the rumor on their priest going about
Of his chastity and purity they never do doubt
They see him as pure as the new fallen snow
One of those who possesses the rare inner glow

Rumor has it that he is quite randy for one of forty one
And it has been said he did father a son
Among the gossip mongers of the town the stories are rife
Of the priest Father Ed and his not so pure life

It is said his latest lover is a beautiful blond of twenty three
And that their sexual liaisons as per usual kept in secrecy
And that she knows what he looks like without his clerical clothes
You do believe what you wish to believe one has to suppose

His loyal parishioners see him as a living saint
But rumor has it he is one that is not free of taint
A man of the cloth who is randy in bed
The whisperers say of middle aged Father Ed.

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