Friday, January 24, 2014

For The Farmers Of Australia

For the farmers of Australia Summer is not much fun
Working in their paddocks in the heat of the sun
With bush flies around their mouth and their eyes and on their hands, face and hair
And buzzing around them in the warm humid air

In the prime of the Australian Summer flies in numbers abound
Above the paddocks they were born in all day buzzing around
And if they perch on you to check out your exposed skin it is hardly their fault
Since not unlike us humans they are addicted to salt

In Summer in every Australian paddock there are billions of flies
On warm days they come out of hiding after sunrise
In the sweat of animals and humans salt they do find
To appease their addiction to danger they seem blind

Since they earn their livelihood where in Summer bush flies are rife
For the Australian farmers not much joy in life
The bush flies are on their exposed skin searching for salt every day
For to earn a livelihood many an easier way.

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