Monday, January 11, 2016

Since I Left Claraghatlea

Since i left Claraghatlea just west of Millstreet Town
Many highways and byways i have been up and down
I have lived in a few places that were more brown than green
And some amazing wildlife in my travels i have seen

Yet on my flights of fancy i return to Millstreet
To the old rushy fields where the rivers do meet
And above Matty Owens bog in the prime of the May
The curlew is piping in the gloaming of the day

And above the rushy fields as darkness cloaks the ground
The male snipe in his courtship display is flying around
As with his tail feathers he makes a drumming sound
Of my younger years the good memories abound

But like many in my first home i did not choose for to stay
And from Duhallow i have been many Seasons away
And the years have left me looking older and balder and gray
In Millstreet i would be a stranger to many today

Since i left Claraghatlea for to venture elsewhere
I have seen a small bit of the big World out there
And sometimes on my flights of fancy i hear the soft lowing of a cow
On a Summer twilight by the River Finnow.

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