Friday, January 29, 2016

The One Known As Time

True beauty by Nature can only be made
But time is the thing that does cause it to fade
Yes time that rusts iron gives rise to decay
All life forms of beauty with age fade away

The woman in her twenties lovely to behold
Will start showing her age as she does grow old
Though she may use anti aging creams and hair dyes to cloak her gray
Time on her beauty will take it's Toll anyway

Even the mighty athlete Usain Bolt
Who sprints down the track like a thoroughbred colt
The winner of many an Olympic Gold
Will not run faster as he does grow old

It is obvious that time has become the foe
Of the town beauty of three decades ago
Although for her years one might say she looks well
The passing of the Seasons on her looks does tell

The great trees of the forest the great athletes in their prime
Eventually will become victims of time
And of all of life forms from the great to the small
The one known as time will lay claim to them all.

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