Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Wednesday Whistlers

In Kathy Baulch's House in Yarpturk every Wednesday the Wednesday Whistlers do meet
With the best in Victoria south west as musicians they could compete
Musicians come to Yarpturk from many miles away
And so enjoyable to hear the old tunes they do play

Though every Yarpturk musician only play for enjoyment not for money or fame
It is people like they are that gives music such a good name
Of more like the Wednesday Whistlers the World is badly in need
For a World without music would be so much poorer indeed

For to hear the Wednesday Whistlers play music you do not need to pay
Yet their music is not inferior in any sort of a way
To the wealthy musicians who have fame on their side
The heroines and heroes to the musical masses Worldwide

Every Wednesday morning in Yarpturk at Kathy Baulch's house the Wednesday Whistlers do meet
Just for the love of music not with each other to compete
Music brings people together and this is such a good thing
And the praises of the Wednesday Whistlers one only can sing.

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