Sunday, February 25, 2018

Still Living On

Rhyme is no longer literary fashionable and without having to suppose
Nowadays as a literary form it is seen as inferior to modern poetry and prose
But it may well make a comeback in the years ahead
Though rhyme is out of favour it is not officially dead
And though many dismiss it as of another time
It may come back in favour the literary form known as rhyme
For where there is life there is hope as the wise one does say
Though at peace in Mother Earth's bosom i know i will lay
The hope of the return to favour of rhyme to me a source of joy
As i loved reading rhyme poetry when i was a boy
And rhyme i recall was quite popular back then
But the boys of the nineteen fifties are now ageing men
And due to the literary critics and university dons
Rhyme is out of favour though still living on.

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