Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Town's Quiet Achiever

He is not one of the self centered and proud
In public of his achievements talking loud
Yet there is no kinder than him in the town
He never turns his back on the one who is down

Every day of his life he plants karma's good seed
By helping anyone of helping in need
And for his kindness karma him will repay
What goes around comes around only true to say

Though not one of the admired of his side of the town
In his words he does never put anyone down
Not a community leader in any sort of a way
As the town's quiet achiever he is happy to stay

One who performs a good deed or two every day
Actions speaks louder than words as they say
Free of the shackles of pride and self conceit
A more humble person one could not wish to meet

For him there never is a loud hooray
The one who performs good deeds eevry day
Yet he is one i cannot help but admire
And of singing his praises i never will tire.

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