Saturday, February 24, 2018

Why Do We Elect Them

Why do we elect as our political representatives people who to each other are rude
Who every parliamentary sitting day carry on a verbal political feud
Who not unlike unruly children behave in an obnoxious way
Of us who elect them to legislate for us what does their behaviour say
Since those elected to parliament are representative of the voter majority
And we vote for those who think like us is how it seems to be
They become our reflective mirrors though most with this may not agree
Anyway this is how that it does seem to me
Though among every box of rotten apples there are always the good few
On saying that most politicians are far from good people is not saying anything new
Most politicians do not lead by good example and are far from good in any way
And most of the members of parliament are people in moral decay
Referred to as the honorable members though they do very little for their public esteem
By their behavious they are not honorable in most ways it does seem.

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