Thursday, February 3, 2022

Black Faced Cuckoo Shrikes

Of mostly gray feathers with dark around the face
They like to move around from place to place 
Medium dove sized birds known to most as black faced cuckoo shrike
They do not seem to have a look alike

On alighting on a branch it seems to be their thing
To shuffle their wings thus some call them shufflewing
In many places birds one does not see every day
As some of them are quite migratory in their way

Insects in  flight and on trees they hunt and catch to eat
And to their taste buds ripened fruits a tasty treat
In small saucer shaped nest of sticks bound with spider webs on fork of tree
The female lay green dotted eggs mostly two sometimes three

Mostly silent with a brief low churring song
But from once seen and heard you will never again get them wrong
To look different from other birds their Nature's claim to fame
Black faced cuckoo shrikes for them a common name.

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