Saturday, February 5, 2022

It Is True Money

It is true money is quite important but nonetheless
It is not your guarantee to moments of happiness
Than it good health more important is how it seems to me
Though many with this doubtless would disagree
In the Human World money or lack of it is a source for crime
And many because of it serve prison time
You are wrong in thinking if you believe money will bring you happiness
As it can be a source for worry and stress
But whoever first said it is better  to be wealthy and unhappy  than poor and unhappy for saying it credit is due
For she or he was saying what happens to be true
You will not hear many say of money we do need less
And those with lots of it and all that goes with it many does impress
Most people look on it as the greatest form of human success
Though life is the greatest gift that anyone does possess.

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