Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Corruption In Politics

 One can hardly believe anything he does say
The president who enjoys lying every day
He is not very knowledgeable or honourable or wise
He is just one of those people who believes his own lies 

And so many political leaders as he is much the same
In politics for the power and influence that goes with it as well as the fame
On saying that good political leaders are in the few
Is not saying any thing that is in any way that is new

For personal influence and money and power with each other politicians compete
When they say they are in politics for the love of their Country they are lying through their teeth
Most politicians for sake of power in their words deceive
And bigger fool you are if what they say you believe

The president of the Country the truth does not know how to tell
He lies with a straight face and does it rather well
And with so many voters this is quite okay
Corruption in politics it is rife today.

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