Monday, March 19, 2018

Pink Eared Ducks

In flat coastal shallow lakes them sometimes you will see
Wild ducks not familiar to many and not familiar to me
With fleshy lobes under bill and pink around ears and overall brown mottled gray
Birds i know of and have seen but do not see every day

To be different in their looks and on their ways to others their main claim to fame
Pink eared ducks for them is their common name
Not trusting of humans and in their ways quite shy
At the approach of an animal or person they are quick to fly

On nest of down in log stump or bush over water the female bird lay
Five to eight eggs white to a pale gray
Their nesting sites they are quite good to disguise
Always well hidden from predators eyes

Though so little about them i can claim to know
My wonder of them only does seem to grow
Nomadic in their ways they do move around
But on lakes where they are seen in large numbers they often abound

Once seen them you never again could get wrong
To the dabbling duck family they do belong
Pretty to look at and nomadic in their way
For long periods in any one place they do not stay.

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