Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Rufous Songlark

Mottled brown wings, tail, back and head, rufous rump, spotted breast and unders of light gray
Quite distinctive from other grassland birds in their way
In their breeding Season the males fly around their territory in a territorial display
In open grassy wooded country known to be nomadic those who know of them does say

In their breeding Season from August to April the female bird lay
Three to four white eggs with pink speckles in high grass hidden away
Birds familiar to many country people in their loud melodious song
That from once seen and once heard you never again should get wrong

Birds that are to be seen in the wooded countryside
And they have a huge range Australia wide
Of the grassland birds of Australia not among the better known
Since they are quite wary of humans and have ways of their own

Nomadic in their ways those who know of them say
Of Nature we learn something new every day
Songbirds you will not see in any town or city park
cinclorhampus mathewsi Australia's rufous songlark.

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